Adam Zeitsiff, President & CEO - Intelivideo

On the CEO Insider Podcast today is Adam Zeitsiff, president and CEO of Intelivideo. Prior to Intelivideo, Zeitsiff was president and CEO of Gold’s Gym. He discusses the hard hit the fitness industry has taken during the pandemic, his transition to Intelivideo and their mission to reinvent the fitness industry with its OnDemand video platform.
Show Notes:
- (at 4:30) Adam’s impression of Texas prior to his move in 2016
- (at 6:40) Why Texas is good for the fitness industry
- (at 6:55) How Adam helped gyms reopen through national TV and social media messaging
- (at 8:15) Case study: The reopening of gyms in Miami
- (at 9:25) How the insurance industry supported the fitness industry during the COVID outbreak
- (at 10:39) How Intelivideo is bringing a Netflix model to the fitness industry
- (at 14:45) What’s next for Intelivideo in Texas and nationwide