WATCH: Governor Abbott Champions School Choice In San Antonio
3 days agoSUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
Texas is deep in the heart of Corporate America. The state is at the top of nearly every credible “best states to do business list” and our investment attraction and job creation numbers are the envy of economic development professionals across the country.
The Texas economy has no equal and the TexasOne program has played a key role in the state’s ascent to the top. The Program’s unique marketing approach has boosted the state’s economic development initiative and created global awareness of Texas’ business friendly climate.
The TexasOne program is a public-private partnership of the Texas Economic Development Corporation that markets the state in a dynamic and competitive manner. Texas’ economic development and marketing successes are a direct result of the financial contributions, collaborative input, and innovative vision of TexasOne supporters.
Through trade and industry events, business recruitment missions, signature events, advertising, and public relations, as well as an interactive web presence, TexasOne members share a simple message “Texas is wide open for business”.
With the right approach, the right blueprint for success, key players and the full support of the Governor, we can achieve a stronger and more successful campaign in the history of economic development.
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
"It's wonderful that we're giving the power back to parents to choose for their kids." This session, we will give parents the ability to ...
SUBSCRIBE to get the latest from Governor Abbott: Visit Governor Abbott’s Official Website → https://gov.texa...
I'm declaring an Emergency Item to create the Texas Cyber Command. Texas must harness cybersecurity assets to protect critical infrastruc...
I'm declaring an Emergency Item to create the Texas Cyber Command. Texas must harness cybersecurity assets to protect critical infrastruc...
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