by Ed Curtis
April 29, 2024
“Texas has been the hub for human space exploration since its inception, but we are now entering the golden age of human spaceflight. THE BEST IS YET TO COME.”
– Nicholas Skytland, Chief Technologist at NASA
Houston, Texas – Nicholas Skytland, Chief Technologist and 23 year veteran at NASA, will present to over 2,000 business professionals at the 2024 YTexas Summit on October 1st at AT&T Stadium in Arlington.
Skytland’s message to Texas businesses is simple: Stay connected to NASA.
While the organization is tackling some of the globes greatest challenges through various missions and research projects, they are ultimately a go-to-resource for the commercial markets. NASA wants more business exchange with the private sector.
Mr. Skytland will present a stunning showcase of the Artemis mission. “Texas has been the hub for human space exploration since its inception, but we are now entering the golden age of human spaceflight. As a result, the State of Texas announced the Texas Space Commission. It’s an investment that will not just benefit Texas, but the entire planet. The best is yet to come.”, said Skytland.
NASA’s unique mission provides benefits in big and small ways. Dollars spent for space exploration create jobs, jumpstart businesses, and grow the economy. Our innovations improve daily life, advance medical research, support disaster response, and more. We’re constantly evolving and finding new ways to add value.
NASA’s economic impact is nationwide, extending to all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
NASA Strengthen’s the Economy
NASA released the second agencywide economic impact report in 2022, using data from the 2021 fiscal year. The report estimates NASA efforts during that period: 1—Generated more than $71.2 billion in total economic output 2—Supported more than 339,600 jobs nationwide 3—Resulted in an estimated $7.9 billion in federal, state, and local tax revenues
NASA Improves Life
They often become solutions to different challenges – ones we didn’t set out to solve. Called NASA spinoffs, they help detect breast cancer, protect firefighters, nourish newborns, and more. The International Space Station has led to many spinoffs and facilitated numerous technological and scientific advancements. Research in space helps improve health on Earth, from understanding bone loss to developing vaccines to improving eye surgery. Using the space station and NASA satellites, we study Earth from space. NASA data helps predict the weather, monitor natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires, and study long-term climate trends.
NASA Fosters American Innovation
Advancements in flight thanks to NASA include commercial supersonic air travel, electric-powered flight, and improvements to air mobility. NASA funding helps small businesses research new ideas and develop innovative aeronautics, human exploration, science, and space technology solutions. Our partnerships fuel growth in industries that will define the future, such as artificial intelligence and advanced manufacturing.
NASA Builds Bridges
For more than 20 years, humans have continuously lived and worked 250 miles above Earth aboard the space station. It is the largest peacetime, multinational effort in history, representing 15 nations and five space agencies. As NASA returns to the Moon with our partners, the Artemis Accords serve as a set of guiding principles for international cooperation in the next phase of human space exploration.
NASA Inspires
NASA engages with students and educators to make STEM approachable and excite interest in technical careers. NASA internships offer meaningful, hands-on projects to enhance the skill, diversity, and size of the future STEM workforce.
NASA Builds Exploration Park
NASA recently announced an effort to build Exploration Park, a 240-acre development, at Johnson Space Center. They have selected Texas A&M University (TAMU) to build its $200m facility there and also ACMI (Advanced Center for Manufacturing and Innovation) as the prime developer to build out the park. There is a significant opportunity for anyone looking to do business in the space economy who wishes to be in proximity to the Johnson Space Center, a hub for human spaceflight.
Information sourced from NASA.gov