About YTexas business model
Over the last 9 years, YTexas has built a community of businesses, called Corporate Ambassadors, who are passionate about building a bright future for Texas. Our elite network of ambassadors provide information, services, and sponsored content to our audience through our vast media channels and events. Our goal at YTexas is to provide a platform for business exchange and knowledge transfer across Texas among the most respected businesses in industry and community. Together, we work to build regional unity, brand recognition and a thriving Texas economy.
Relocation services
YTexas provides project specific solutions to new Texas companies looking to integrate their brand presence in Texas. Whether you are opening a new office or relocating your entire business, a successful transition in Texas takes time and resources – typically outside of your core business.
Our retainer-based services save time, money and resources throughout the entire lifecycle of a relocation. Building a respected brand in your new community while building trust with your employees and stakeholders can make or break any relocation. YTexas gives a warm welcome to the businesses moving to Texas and offers a plan tailored specifically to the needs of each of our clients.